1. Please list the individual answering these interrogatories and all the investigations you have undertaken, all the documents you have reviewed and individuals you have spoken to prior to answering these interrogatories.
2. Please list each and every individual with whom the plaintiff spoke to or dealt with in the process of acquiring the subject automobile. Please list the specific person, their first and last name, the specific date of the conversation, the nature of the conversation and all witnesses to this conversation.
3. Please list the specific individuals who were responsible for, participated in or in any ways they perform were present during the installation of the ‘ResistAll Enviroguard’ product. Please specify the specific time, date and place in which this was placed on the plaintiff’s vehicle. Please set forth the process by which this product was applied to the plaintiff’s vehicle. Please set forth the individuals who applied this product to the plaintiff’s vehicle. Please attach any and all documentation supporting the fact that this product was applied to the plaintiff’s vehicle.